Genieweg 6, 3641 RH Mijdrecht

Business Development
By Business Development we mean: everything that can help an existing company to progress and also the start-up of new business activities. Part of the work consists of linking relationships. For another part it is a form of advice.
You can read a little more about it below:
We said it before, part of our work consists of connecting relationships. In addition, one relationship has something to offer that what another relationship needs: a sales channel, new capital or loan financing, a certain type of service, the possibility of collaborating in a sub-field that affects both companies. We can also help companies to find a suitable solution in their search for suitable personnel.
For another part it is advising such as: co-writing a business plan, thinking along with the development of new business concepts or products, conflict resolution or acting as a 'talking point' in business concerns. As far as the latter is concerned, carefully formulating the problem to a third party sometimes brings the core of a solution.
This often concerns matters that cannot be discussed within the company itself, for example because of confidentiality. Sometimes we are the sounding board that the entrepreneur lacks internally.
A few examples from the past help us to paint a clearer picture of these activities. Of course we do not mention names and we are careful with the company description. Confidentiality is also of great importance in this area.
Helping a steel construction company find a developer who not only builds a new location for them, but also redevelops the old location with the owners of the company.
Conflict mediation between two partners of an office that offers business services. The office still exists.
Helping an interim manager with a new assignment.
Co-develop a new care concept (within the Social Support Act) that offers municipalities opportunities for seriously ill residents, contribute to writing the business plan and offer support in attracting financing.
Setting up a gym in a niche market.
Unbundling the interests of a family in a number of real estate companies in order to further protect the family bond if business cannot continue together.
Developing a new service concept in the real estate world.
Helping a law firm find a new partner.
Helping a contractor with new assignments.
Developing a new concept that makes it possible to have your own sailing yacht that does not cost money, but often even generates money.
These are some examples. Sometimes we'll also say no if we don't think it's fits our qualifications.

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