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Abstract Architect


We advise entrepreneurs, companies, wealthy individuals and non-profit organizations on almost all forms of tax.

For entrepreneurs and companies




Our work affects the whole life cycle of companies and their owners:


The start

At the start, you have to choose the legal form, BV (Limited Liability Company)  or sole proprietorship, several BV's in a holding structure, with or without a personal holding company. Often also within cooperation models such as a general partnership joint venture of BVs or in the form of the cooperation.


Optimal structure

During the existence of the company, we make adjustments to keep the structure optimal. We make use of tax facilities such as fiscal unity, company reorganisations,  mergers, share merger, legal demerger and legal merger. We are also available for current issues regarding VAT, payroll tax and corporate tax.



We prepare or check declarations for income tax or corporate tax.



We advise on matters relating to real estate, often also from the perspective of transfer tax and VAT.


Formal tax law and procedures

 We supervise tax audits and conduct tax procedures where necessary (we prefer to avoid these due to cost considerations and inherent uncertainties, but if necessary, we go for it). We also deal with topics such as fines, voluntary disclosure scheme, etc.



If your company starts international adventures, this usually results in very specific tax and legal issues that we can solve for you.


Collaboration and Acquisitions

We assist in the growth of the company by acquisitions or collaboration. Here we not only supervise the tax process, but also regularly supervise the conclusion of the deal.


The entrepreneur himself

We also look at the position of the entrepreneur himself in view of his or her financial planning. Also the estate planning with the matrimonial property regime, cohabitation aspects and wills play a role in this. Donations and positioning in connection to inheritance tax can also be discussed. We also deal with pension issues, pension calculations and pension letters and with issues about annuities and annuity BV's.



In time, we draw attention to future succession, inside or outside the family. Making the company 'ready for sale', the correct (tax) structure, less dependence on the current entrepreneur, these are matters that often have to be started a few years before the moment of transfer. Taking the best position for the use of the business succession facilities in the inheritance tax and income tax is also important.

For business service providers

As independent tax specialists, we like to work for and with other business service providers. Because we are not tied to another organization, we can advise completely freely.


Here are a few examples.


Accountants and administration offices

They usually also deal with tax matters, but often they go to a certain level and if the issues go deeper, they are in need of tax support. This may involve advice, screening complex returns, consultation with the tax authorities, conducting procedures or a second opinion. It may be useful to express an opinion on the chances of pursuing legal proceedings in relation to the financial interest. By working with us, the accountant or the administration office can focus on his or her own work, but still ensure that his or her client is optimally helped. Because of our independence, there is no need to worry about 'running off' with their clients.



Lawyers regularly encounter tax issues in their practice. This may concern the tax aspects of a procedure, a second opinion on an important tax subject, or the tax side of contracts or structures. We also regularly act in acquisitions, not only as a tax specialist but also – from our merger and acquisition practice – as a dealmaker. One of our partners is a tax divorce specialist. For family practice, this is an area where questions often arise, but where mistakes are easily made.




Mediators are available for different types of issues. In family practice, this is a frequently chosen solution for divorces. Our divorce specialist can provide insight into tax 'pitfalls and traps'. Tax failures in that area can turn out to be very expensive. But good guidance also brings clarity and when a divorce already has so much uncertainty and difficulties. In the business field, we can provide support to Mediators with business valuations and, for example, in unraveling business structures.



Notaries often deal with issues of gift and inheritance tax that play an important role. We can put estate planning and financial planning in a broader perspective. Transfer tax issues play an important role in real estate practice. We also have specialists in these areas.



Insurance consultants 

We can not only assist them with the tax aspects and consequences of various insurance policies (pensions, annuities, 'stamrecht BV's', etc.), but we also support them with or with tax and financial planning.

For wealthy individuals

It sometimes seems simple for private individuals with assets: everything is taxed in box 3. In practice, it is usually more complicated and sometimes also offers unexpected possibilities. Thorough financial planning is often important in order to be able to make good decisions. Based on clear calculation models, choices can be made for the future.

Another important area is estate planning where matters such as community of property or prenuptial agreements or different models for wills play an important role.

For the Non-Profit sector

In the Non-Profit sector, it often concerns questions such as 'is our Foundation liable for tax' or can we obtain the status of General Benefit Institution (ANBI) so that donations to the Foundation are deductible and the Foundation itself is free from gift and inheritance tax on gifts and inheritances. These are questions that we can work on together.

There are also often issues in the field of VAT because VAT exemptions apply to many foundations. That seems nice, but it does mean that the VAT on purchases and services are not or not fully deductible. VAT issues regarding subsidies are also often discussed.

White Structure

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